About the size of various shapes of long and square scarves

About the size of various shapes of long and square scarves


    Scarves are generally divided into long scarves, larger than width, positive direction scarves (square scarves), triangular scarves, scarves and so on.


           This is a math and geometry problem, the largest sales volume is naturally the long scarf. And the long scarf is generally 180 * 70 more, there are some long 200 regular long scarf, some is because of the material of the width of the door problem, some may be the sales of regional problems, such as sales area is Europe and the United States, was asked by the guests to customize.
Width then there are 30-40-45-68 and so on varying.



          If the length is the same, the width is different, the price difference is also relatively large.



          Once China's domestic e-commerce has just emerged, a scarf factory boss asked me, why other sales of scarves so cheap. I said you are made into           production, the cost price you still do not know it, and then to the details page, and each other to compare the width, the same long 180 Bali yarn scarf, their home is the paragraph 180, other normal in the same industry 90, but there are 30, it really belongs to confuse the public, confuse not enough professional buyers, after all, the more unprofessional buyers, will only be the price from the most only to do a comparison, other hidden Some factors, not attentive to understand, but also do not understand at once.


        If the door width of a fabric, made into one and made into 30 of 6, the price difference of 6 times.

        Not to mention the material, the density of the material weight, process and other details, the price difference is even greater.

       Square towel, then there are 50 * 50 small square towel, 53 * 53 small square towel, 65 * 65 small square towel, 70 * 70 small square towel, 90 * 90 square towel, 100 * 100 square towel, 110 * 110 square towel, 130 * 130 large square towel, 140 * 140 large square towel.


       And the familiar Keffiyeh Arabian square scarf has 125*125* and 130*130
People are more familiar with the Chinese style silk large square scarf, Xiang Yunyao large square scarf, usually have 130*130*, 140*140.

        Others, such as the triangle scarf of, around 2008-2010 used to be popular for a few years beggar's scarf, these years the triangle scarf is not so popular, but each of our friends who went to school, from childhood will be super impressed by our red red scarf, how many people because of joining the Young Pioneers late and sullen over.

       A deeper memory, or one that is easy for us to ignore, is that drooling scarf we carried when we were fed as children, as well as the drooling scarf for our pet dogs that young people nowadays like to wear belongs to the category of triangular scarf.

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